Lib Dems pick Pele for Bridgwater Town Council by-election

Bridgwater Liberal Democrats are delighted to announce that Pele Barnes will be their candidate in the Fairfax East Bridgwater Town Council by-election on February 6th.
Pele stood as an Independent candidate at the last General Election for the Bridgwater constituency. He is a market trader selling the finest cheeses in all of Somerset, including Bridgwater Town Centre. He grew up in the Fairfax ward and knows it well because of his previous employment as the postie for the area and as a local taxi driver.
Pele said:
“I am delighted to join the LibDem team in Somerset. With six MPs and control of Somerset Council I know that they are embedded in our communities.
"My campaign will focus on making sure the town centre is a vibrant and safe place, that we better maintain our community facilities in the Bower area and we work with the council to make our transport system and our roads safer for all users. Where we have new development it must come with community facilities like play areas, medical centres and education.
“For too long, Bridgwater has been ‘done to’ not ‘done with’ and I am determined that by working with the Somerset LibDems that we can build a better Bridgwater.”
His candidacy has been welcomed by Cllr Bill Revans (Leader of Somerset Council).Councillor Revans (who used to teach Pele at East Bridgwater Community School) said:
“I have known Pele for twenty years and he has always cared passionately about Bridgwater. He will be a powerful and constructive voice for the town with the Liberal Democrat administration at County Hall.”
If you would like to support Pele and help him win, you can click the following links to Volunteer, Donate, or perhaps you would prefer to Become a Member instead!